Yesterday, my boss told me to write load tests for an endpoint in our Rails application. At first, I was all like:

But once I delved into the world of Apache JMeter, I realized that my knowledge of web requests would make understanding load testing a piece of cake.

In order to gain a better understanding of JMeter, I wanted to write load tests for the simplest type of Rails app – a Rails scaffold. Let’s set up our trusty Cat App:
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For the most part, this post assumes that you’ve been able to set up JMeter with your Rails app. In a nutshell, I added the location of the JMeter bin
directory to my PATH
, and then launched JMeter with the local host as -Jhostname
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Testing Components
To start testing the app, I added a Thread Group called Basic App Calls to the Test Plan (by right-clicking on Test Plan in the sidebar). Then, I added a Loop Controller called Cats to the Test Plan, and set the Loop Count to 10. All of the HTTP Requests that I tested were contained under the Cats Loop Controller.
I also added an HTTP Cookie Manager and a Summary Report to the Basic App Calls Thread Group.
The Simplest Case
Let’s start with our cats#index
test. We shouldn’t need to pass any parameters into this request – all we have to do is visit /cats
Rails set up this controller test:
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So in order to test that this call works correctly, we just have to set up the correct HTTP Request Sampler under the Cats Loop Controller.
Under Server Name we’ll use our localhost
, which gets entered as ${__P(hostname,)}
. We’re running on port 8080, which we also need to specify.
Under HTTP Request, let’s set the method to GET and the path to /cats
. The final settings look like this:

If we run our tests, we should see the request successfully hit the server and return a 200 status code. Easy!
Rails Authenticity Tokens
Now that we’ve created a simple load test, we’ll want to actually create a cat to test with. First off, we can set the settings, which are self-explanatory enough: Server Name ${__P(hostname,)}
, Port Number 8080
, HTTP Request POST
, and Path /cats
We know that we’ll need to post some data with our request – luckily, the HTTP Request section includes a list of parameters. Let’s add cat[name]
as the Name, and a good name for a cat as the Value. I chose Meow
However, if we run the tests, the summary report shows an 100% error percentage for Create Cat. If we look at the error in Terminal, we can see that the POST
request returned a 422 Unprocessable Entity
status code and a Can't verify CSRF token authenticity
error. This makes sense – we know that we can’t post to a form in Rails without an authenticity token.
Luckily, with a little creativity, we can grab that token from another HTTP Request Sampler. Let’s set up an HTTP Request for cats#new
: Server Name ${__P(hostname,)}
, Port Number 8080
, HTTP Request GET
, and Path /cats/new

When I opened up http://localhost:8080/cats/new
, I could see that the form had an input tag: <input type="hidden" name="authenticity_token" value="TOKEN_HERE">
. I wanted to grab that token and pass it into my POST
params, which I could do with a Regular Expression Extractor nested under my new
HTTP request. The Regex Extractor looks like this:

Whatever is within the parentheses gets captured and stored in a variable FORM_AUTH_TOKEN
. So now, we’ll want to add another parameter to our POST
request – Name: authenticity_token
. Make sure to check the Encoded checkbox for this parameter.

Now, if you run the tests, they should all return 0% errors.
Let’s See the Cat!
In order to make a call to cats#show
we’ll need the specific ID of the cat that we wish to view. There are a few ways to grab this, but since I’m not familiar with JMeter, I decided to use a Regex Extractor like the one I used for the authenticity token. Since the create
action redirects to the show
page, the HTML response for create
includes a link that has the cat’s ID. So I set up my Regex Extractor as follows:

Now that I saved the cat’s ID into a CAT_ID
variable, I can embed it in the path for my cats#show
request. The rest is pretty simple:

Unfortunately, our testing took a turn for the evil – we had to destroy our cat! The call to cats#destroy
request to /cats/${CAT_ID}
. The only catch is that we need both our ID and our authenticity token, but they’re all set up, so it’s easy. Remember to encode the token:

Now, if we run our tests, we get no errors on any of the tests and we can start tracking performance!
